Scheduling Your Unit Study
Once-a-week unit studies are flexible enough to accommodate any homeschool schedule, but we are often asked what a typical, weekly school schedule looked like for our family, so I will tell you…
Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday started with our Bible study/family devotional. Then our children practiced music and did their chores, math, vocabulary, writing, spelling, grammar, and unit study reading.
We spent our lunchtime and part of the afternoon cuddled up on the couch with our unit study read-aloud.
Late afternoon was free for them to pursue personal interests, hobbies, sports, and just plain having fun being kids.
As you can see from the example below, Wonderful Wednesday was a unit study day. With the exception of music, we dropped the rest of our curriculum and focused entirely on their unit study assignments. Choose whichever day of the week that is most convenient for you.
On occasion, when a week was exceptionally busy and we were unable to have a “unit study day,” we just spread the unit study assignments throughout the week, completing one activity every afternoon.
We kept Bible, math, and language light on Fabulous Fridays freeing up the afternoon for their unit study reading, our unit study read-aloud, and the unit study field trip. Sometimes we saved the field trip for Saturday when Dad could join us.
Friday or Saturday evenings were for us to enjoy the family unit study movie/game/dinner night together.
Your everyday curriculum
Independent unit study library reading selections
Unit Study Family Read-Aloud
Your everyday curriculum
Independent unit study library reading selections
Unit Study Family Read-Aloud
Wonderful Wednesday (Unit Study Day):
Eliminate your everyday curriculum
Unit Study Family Devotional
Independent unit study library reading selections
Unit Study Family Read-Aloud
Unit Study Activities
Your everyday curriculum
Independent unit study library reading selections
Unit Study Family Read-Aloud
Fabulous Friday:
Go lighter on…
So you have more time for…
Independent unit study library reading selections
Your Unit Study Family Read-Aloud
The Unit Study Field Trip (or on Saturday with Dad)
Your Family Movie/Game/Dinner Night (unit study related)