What is a Unit Study?
Tell me and I forget.
Teach me and I remember.
Involve me and I learn.
~Benjamin Franklin~
Benjamin Franklin would approve because that’s exactly what unit studies do!
They involve the child.
- Unit studies involve children in the learning process by offering a more “hands-on,” experiential approach to learning, thereby increasing the long-term memory of the subject at hand.
- By incorporating all the senses, unit studies accommodate different learning styles.
- Unit studies combine a variety of creative activities and experiences and go into more depth than traditional textbooks.
- Unit studies utilize real “living books,” as opposed to dry, boring textbooks while engaging students and making learning come alive!
- With unit studies, all your children will study the same topic at the same time, no matter their age.
- The unit study approach is the most cost-effective way to homeschool. With all your children learning about the same subject at the same time, you will need to purchase fewer textbooks.
- Unit Studies are easier on Mom! Fewer textbooks mean less time spent correcting and checking a multitude of different topics.
- Unit studies are a family affair. Learning together brings your family together. When a family learns together they build relationships and precious family memories. That’s icing on the cake!
How Does a Unit Study Work?
- A unit study works like the spokes on a wheel, with each of your school subjects revolving around a specific topic.
- For example, as your children study the science of ornithology (birds), each of their assignments and subjects (Bible, writing, reading, history, science, geography, art and music appreciation, etc.) will pertain to that topic.
Unit studies are flexible.
You can use them as the backbone of your curriculum, or you can use them to
complement and energize a curriculum.
The choice is yours!
How do Different Ages Study the Same Topic?
- Each child’s abilities are taken into account from youngest to oldest. While learning about the Eastern Woodland Indians, for instance, younger children may be making wampum necklaces from dyed pasta shells, while older children are writing a composition about the cultural significance of wampum.
- While studying birds, you may be reading classics like Henny Penny and Chicken Little to your younger children, while older students are reading a biography about John James Audubon.
- Children who are not yet writing may narrate or dictate a story to you about life on the Mayflower while your older children, according to their abilities, may write a couple of sentences, paragraphs, or a full page report on life in Plymouth.
What is the Best Thing About Unit Studies?
- For our family, it has been the wonderful memories and strong family bonds we were able to build.
- Another benefit was the outstanding education our sons received as a result of Once-a-Week Unit Studies. Each or our sons loves the Lord and is now a college graduate. They cannot imagine having homeschooled any other way, and they would be the first to tell you that Once-a-Week Unit Studies made homeschooling FUN for them!
- Once-a-Week Unit Studies helped us instill a life-long love of learning in our sons.
- And last, but not least, Once-a-Week Unit Studies made homeschooling fun for ME too! I got to truly enjoy my kids growing up while learning right alongside them in a fun, creative, and engaging way.
Are There any Disadvantages to Unit Studies?
I have always enjoyed the planning that goes into preparing a unit study, but not everyone does. That is why I decided to do all of the prep-work for you and write Once-a-Week Unit Studies. They are written in an easy-to-follow, grab-and-go format, so there is no need for you to prepare anything. All the assignments are just ready and waiting for you and your children to dive in and start having fun! Each Once-a-Week Unit Study also provides you with a weekly selection of outstanding library options and includes their library call numbers! How easy is that?